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Mugimon Shokabin (麦文小花瓶)
This is an Arita ware vase which Shomura-san has created.
Elegant pattern dyeing white porcelain gives us cozy, warm feeling.
He engraved the wheat design and filled the blue and the yellow paintings in it.
Mugi (麦)
People say that there used to be wheat in many fields and it was also in Japan since Yayoi era.
The wheat patterm simply means pray for huge harvest for five grains.
SHOMURA expresses how fresh yellow colored wheats grow straight upwards in May.
Height : 21.4 cm
Diameter : 7.7 cm
Shomura-san is awarded the Medal with Yellow Ribbon for dedication to the pottery industry. He has a skilled dyeing technique based on the Arita ware craftsmanship.