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OKADA, Yuh OKADA, Yuh Okada Kiln

Hagi Ware


・Yuh-san worked for the fishing company, the Kyokuyo Co., Ltd.
・He changed the occupation because some kind of Hagi ware simplicity inspired him to enter the new world.
・The series of original piece named ensai is based on the idea that was come up with when he travelled to the Silk Road.
・Once just he realized how important the form is and treats about the balance between the shape and the color.
・In 2006, he was designated as Intangible Cultural Asset as a holder of Hagi Ware in Yamaguchi prefecture.


Hikari-shi, Yamaguchi prefecture in 1946
Keio University (- 1968)
1-ku, Maeobata, Cinto, Hagi-shi, Yamaguchi 758-0011 Japan
Japan Kogei Association
TOBI, the Ceramic Art Society of Japan


The TV Yamaguchi Award at the Kyushu Yamaguchi Ceramic Exhibition (1985)
The Kumamoto prefecture Governor's Award at the West Japan Ceramic Exhibition (1989)
The Asahi Broadcasting Station Award at the Japan Arts Crafts Association Yamaguchi Chapter Exhibition (1997)
The Grand prix at the 4th Kikuchi Biennale (2011)
The the Excellent Award in the Modeling in the tea ceremony Exhibition, "Chanoyu-no-zokei" (2018)
and many more
The Japan Traditional Kogei Exhibition, TOBI, the Ceramic Art Society of Japan Exhibition, The Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition and other exhibitions

Public Collection

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs / The Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art / Tanabe Museum of Art / Sogo Musemu of Art / Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu / Ibaraki Ceramic Art Museum / Ceramic Trade Fair Masahiko / Hagi Uragami Museum